Category: Ongoing Research
Goal-Driven Autonomy in Dynamic Environments
Dynamic environments are complex and change in often unexpected ways. Given such an environment, many autonomous agents have difficulty when the world does not cooperate with design assumptions. We present...
The Integration of Cognitive and MetacognitiveProcesses with Data-driven and Knowledge-rich Structures
This paper examines computational relationships between mind and body and distinguishes thinking about the world from thinking about thinking. The discussion is grounded within the framework of a preliminary computational...
Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation on 7T MRI: A U-Net Tool and Evaluation
The recent introduction of 7T MRI to multiple sclerosis has improved characterization of lesional pathology, particularly through increased resolution. However, due to unique signal characteristics and scanner artifacts, existing methods...
Mid-Vision Feedback for Convolutional Neural Networks
Feedback plays a prominent role in biological vision, where perception is modulated based on agents’ continuous interactions with the world, and evolving expectations and world model. We introduce a novel...
Context in Human Action Through Motion Complementarity
Motivated by Goldman’s Theory of Human Action – a framework in which action decomposes into 1) base physical movements, and 2) the context in which they occur – we propose...